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Saturday 2 March 2013

Tag | Confessions Of A Blogger

Confessions Of A Blogger Tag Belle-amie
Photo from and edited by me

I was tagged by the lovely Aly from Wonderland Beauty to do the Confessions Of A Blogger tag! I think tags are a great way to see the person behind the blog at a more personal level and get to know them a little better!

When did you start your blog?
I started my blog on 11th June 2012. It was a spur of the moment thing after I had come home from a Psychology exam, but I had actually wanted to make one for quite a while! Just never plucked up the courage until then!

Have you had any other past online presence before (Other blog, YouTube)?
Nope, I've never done anything like this before! I loved reading and watching beauty bloggers so I thought I would just give it a go.

Why did you start your blog?
I loved reading other people's blogs and knew I wanted to create my own space on the Internet. I've always been an arty person and enjoyed creative writing, so thought this would be a great place for me to share my interests! I made my blog at the same time I decided to study Beauty therapy and thought it would be a great to put on my CV to show my love for beauty and makeup! Very quickly, I fell in love with writing all different kinds of posts, from reviews to favourites, so now this blog is my hobby! It's something I love doing and was one of the best decisions I've made.

When did you become serious about your blog?
To begin with, I had no idea whether I would stick with writing a blog and if it would be for me, so it wasn't serious at all. After a month or so, I realised my blog was going somewhere. I began to really enjoy updating it and other people seemed to like my posts! I wouldn't call myself a "hard-core" blogger, but someone who spends their free time working on my little creative outlet. I would say within the last few months I have become a lot more serious with my blog and I enjoy it this way!

What was your first post?
Oh no haha! My first post was an introduction about me, but my first proper blog post was my Barry M Nail Paint Collection. I used my iPod as the camera so the pictures are terrible quality! Luckily it's not too embarrassing, but I am thinking of remaking that post!

What has been your biggest challenge about blogging?
I wouldn't say I've come across many challenges with writing my blog, I usually just go at my own pace and try not to get too stressed about it. Sometimes I have huge blogging blocks and have no idea what to post about, but that gives me the chance to take a mini break and think it over, I would never like to force myself to write!

Where do you see your blog in one year?
Well, one thing's for sure is that I will still be here! I love my blog and don't see myself giving it up anytime soon. To be honest though, I have no idea! I haven't even been blogging for a year and I'm already very overwhemed with how it's turned out! If it's anything like this year, bring it on!

What is the most rewarding thing to you about blogging?
I would definitely have to say the amazing community and the support everyone gives you! Anything from a lovely comment to knowing that there are people out there you can easily talk to and ask for help if you needed it!

What is the most discouraging thing that happens to you?
I've never had anything too discouraging happen to me, I've had quite a positive experience so far. The only thing I'm quite guilty of is comparing my blog to others and then feeling down that mine isn't very good! It's not a case of jealousy, just "ahh why didn't I think of that" or "her font's better than mine", very silly things. I know everyone's blog is personal and different, so I shouldn't feel down about it! But I guess it's a natural feeling and to be honest, it's not very often at all that I feel this! I am happy with my blog!

What's your lasting inspiration or motivation?
Every blog and every blogger I've seen! All of them inspire me in someway to help me develop as a blogger. Just seeing a good post or reading about someone's experience can inspire you to keep going. This is why I think the blogging community is such a wonderful place! On a more personal level, my main motivation is bloggers who are strong people and will carry on with their life even when the going gets tough! I'm trying to become a stronger person myself, so I'm always inspired by those people.

I hope that you enjoyed this tag and that you answer these questions yourself, I tag you all! If you've already done this tag, I would love to read your responses so feel free to link them below!


  1. Good idea for a blog post! I love finding out more about the bloggers I follow. I can have blogging blocks sometimes too, sometimes nothing sometimes I have so many things I could write about ha!

    I started mine to enhance my cv too but completely fell I love and can't imagine not blogging now!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it :) I'm the same, somedays I could write loads of posts, others I have no idea! xx

  2. I really enjoyed reading this tag, I might give it a go myself!

  3. I love reading posts like this, it allows me to find out loads about the bloggers I love to read! x

  4. This is a great post I like to get to know bloggers a bit more xx

  5. I love this post so much dear! It is always so interesting to read these kind of posts!I love your blog so much! <33 Keep up the good work! :))


    1. Aw thank you :) That's so nice of you xx

  6. These posts are so cool because I'm so nosey! I think I might do one like this! xo

    1. Haha I like reading them too for the same reason ;) Good to hear! xx

  7. I have just recently tried to start my blog again and post far more frequently. This was really helpful to read. x

  8. How did you get so many followers so quickly? I really like your blog! xx

    1. I'm not too sure haha, I just do what I do and I guess people enjoy reading it! Thank you sweet xx

  9. A good bunch of questions and getting closer to 900 followers xx

  10. Oh what a wonderful idea to share your "Blogger-confessions":)


  11. I love reading these posts!

  12. It's so nice to hear people enjoying blogging, and doing it for fun rather than for the freebies etc.

    Amy | The Little Koala Blog

    1. Blogging is a lot of fun for me :) I find it annoying when people just do it for free stuff! xx

  13. ooh you started your blog on my birthday! :D i really liked reading this, and your blog is lovely :)


  14. great post, was nice to find out moer about why you started blogging. :) - personal blogs.

  15. Nice post!! I love learn more about bloggers.

    Kimberley x (I have an international giveaway running if you want to enter)

  16. I loved this post, please check out my blog as I'm new to it :)

  17. Just checked out your first blog posts, I love your Barry M collection - you have some great colours in it!


    1. I have loads more now, about 33 haha! So I was thinking of doing an updated collection :) xx

  18. This was really interesting to read :) I completely agree about not wanting to force a blog post, if I get a blogging block I just use it as time to properly catch up on blogs I follow :)

    Aimée Xx

    1. I do the same :) Sometimes it's nice to have a break, you seem to think of better posts than if you sat there for ages trying to think of one xx

  19. I'm so glad you did this! I liked reading your answers! It's amazing how much your blog has grown in less than a year!! :)


    1. Glad you liked it :) Thank you for tagging me! xx

  20. I love you're blog Amie! I didn't realise how recently you started it though! mine isn't as old as yours but you're blog is amazing, especially since you haven't had it that long! xx

  21. I really enjoyed reading this, so much so I thought I'd give it a go.
    Would love it if you had the time to read it. :) xx

    1. Yay :) Just read the post, was lovely to see your answers! xx

  22. Great post to read :)

  23. Loved this tag! x

  24. such a lovely post. loved reading it.

  25. This was lovely to read, blogging is so much fun and been such a positive experience! x

    1. I agree :) Blogging is one of the best things I've done! Glad you liked the post xx

  26. Oh wow, you haven't been doing it long and you've done so well! I started miine in September last year but I left it for a while and it's only really since new year I been taking it seriously, I love doing it

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)



  27. Cool blog post! Really enjoyed reading this

  28. Oh my goodness Aime your blog is absolutely incredible! I disappeared from the blogging scene for awhile and only just started blogging again with a little blog re-vamp and I decided to have a look at what i missed out on and your blog is incredible! :) Keep up the posts they are just beautiful!

    1. Aw thank you :) It'll be nice to start reading your posts again! xx

  29. Fab answers :) I did a blogger tag on my blog too.. would love you to take a look. Your blog is so lovely.. you should never feel bad, comparing it to others... it's one of my favourites to read xx

    Gem ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  30. I love these types of posts. It's always interesting to see the responses. I love that you just decided out of the blue after a psychology test. I started mine while in school, too.
    P.S. Found ya through Monday Beauties

  31. I love these type of posts! so interesting to read:) i'm a new follower! Xx

  32. I love these posts! It's so interesting to learn a little more about people. I too have a bad habit of looking at other blogs that are better and getting that 'jealous' feeling.

    Justina @


Thank you for reading and commenting. I love reading your comments and will try to reply to everyone's questions. If you have any questions you want to ask me directly, tweet me @beautybelleamie or e-mail me at ♥

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